
Digimon Prank Battle: School Bash Chapter 3

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At the restroom, Agumon helps takes off the outfit off of Gatomon then Agumon starts wiping her down “I guess is my turn to get you dress isn’t?” said Agumon as he put the clothes on Gatomon “Yeah I guess so” Gatomon replies as she still feel a bit embarrasses. Once Gatomon was wearing her clothes again, she and Agumon heads towards the next class. Meanwhile V-mon was laying down on the floor as Gabumon clean him then Patmon gives V-mon his clothes “Talking about a rough first day so far” said Patmon “let’s hope things won’t get anything worst for me” V-mon replies as he put his clothes back on as they going to the next class. They arrive at the gymnasium “Cool we got P.E. next!” said V-mon “Yeah that is going to be fun” replies Patmon who excites “Indeed it well” replies Gabumon as they then saw Shoutmon, Impmon, Biyomon, Guilmon, Gaomon, Terriermon, and Renamon were also here. “Hey you guys got this P.E. too!” said Shoutmon “Yeah! Glad to see you all here as well” replies V-mon “well this is going exciting here” said Guilmon “You got that right!” said Terriermon as the coach came in and greets the students “Good day class and welcome to P.E.! Now before we begins class, you all should get change” said the Coach as everyone went to the changing room.

Ten minutes later, the rookie digimon came back now wearing the gym clothes (V-Mon was wearing white shirt and brown shorts, Gabumon wears a light blue shirt and yellow shorts, Guilmon was wearing bright green shirt and navy shorts, Impmon was wearing a brown t-shirt and light grey shorts, Gaomon was wearing red shirt and purple shorts, Patmon was wearing an orange shirt and shade shorts, Biyomon was wearing a light pink shirt and yellow shirt, Terriermon was wearing grey shirt and bright orange short and Renamon was wearing bright gold shirt and light grey shorts) “alright class, since is the first day, I decide that we’ll have fun and what way to have fun with a good game of dodge ball” said the coach as everyone was excited for it. “Alright there be two team, when I call your name please move to the red or blue circle” said the coach as everyone nodded as he call the first name “Terriermon, move to the red circle” he says “Alright first pick!” Terriermon replies as he went to the red circle “Gabumon! Move to the blue circle” said the coach as Gabumon went over to the blue “Shoutmon, head over to the red” he says “Yeah Boy!” said Shoutmon as he went to the red circle.

Three minutes later, the teams are set and already to get started. At team red was Terriermon, Shoutmon, Impmon, Biyomon and Patmon. At team blue was Gabumon, Renamon, V-mon, Gaomon, and Guilmon “Now before we get started, I’ll explain the rules: do not get hit by the ball. If you get hit then you’re out send must sit over to the bleachers. If you caught the ball, the thrower is out and you can bring your teammate that was out back in. Also you can use the ball to defence or to reflect the incoming ball attack but if the ball knock out from your hand then you’re out. First the knock the other team off win the game. Do you all understand the rules?” said the coach as everyone nodded “alright the game begins in five minutes so take this to talk among yourself while I get things set up for the game” said the coach as he step out for a few minutes. The teams were talking while waiting to begin the game “so we have to take down the other one by one” said Gabumon “Yeah! Just not get hit dude” V-mon replies “you shouldn’t get carry away or else you may be the first to be out” Gaomon replies “there need to be serious, we’ll going to win this game” Guilmon replies “we’ll just need to stay focus and take some teamwork to pull this off” Renamon replies. Meanwhile Shout and others were talking each other “There way we’re going lose this game so I say we give it our all” said Shoutmon as the others agrees “just don’t get in my way while I strike them out” Impmon replies “Yeah, sure you will” Terriermon replies as Impmon was getting work up “Oh Like you can do better?” replies Impmon “just watch me!” Terriermon with a smirked on his face “alright you two break it up and save it for the game” said Patmon as both the digimon calm down “remember this supposed to be us working together as a team” said Biyomon replies “Right” Impmon and Terriermon replies as V-mon and Guilmon came “hey, we want to say good luck” he says “Sure, but to let you guys know that we’ll be the victors” Shoutmon replies “Yeah there is no way you can’t beat us” Impmon replies “Oh don’t be so sure about that, you might your downfall” Guilmon replies “Oh don’t you start pineapple head! You’ll end up taking down” Impmon replies “Bottom line, team red is taking the win and that I’m willing to bet on it” Impmon replies “so you’re betting on the win huh?” V-mon replies “You got that right and I’m down with it as well” Shoutmon replies “Then how about we settle it with a bet then” Guilmon replies “Whoever team win the game, two persons of the losing team must be punish and humiliated by the two persons of the winning team” said Shoutmon “Alright and this only between the four of us. You and Guilmon as well as me and Impmon” said Shoutmon “Alright then we have a bet!” V-mon replies as they shack hand on before head back “Don’t worry Guilmon, we’re got this!” said V-mon “I hope you’re right” Guilmon replies as they return to the team. Five minutes later, the coach returns and set the balls on the middle of the floor as the teams came up “Alright! Team Red, you ready?” said the coach “Yeah we are!” V-mon replies “Team Blue, are you ready?” said the coach “You know it!” Shoutmon replies as the coach move few steps back “Then the game…BEGIN!” he said as everyone race to the middle to get the ball.

Team Red got the dodge balls first and start throw at team Blue “Eat This!” Shoutmon yelled as he throw the ball at V-mon but V-mon dodge as Terriermon throw the ball at Renamon but Renamon quickly dodge it and grab the ball “Better luck next time!” she says while throws the ball right back at Terriermon and hits him, making him the first to be out. Terriermon was sitting on the bleacher as the game continues as Impmon throw the ball at Gabumon “Dodge this!” he says as Gabumon got hit by the ball “OOF!” Gabumon as he head to the bleachers as the teams lost one teammate each. Biyomon and Patmon double team on Gaomon as he dodge the attacks and striking Patmon with the ball sending him flying to the bleachers “Right now, two members of team Red are out while Team Blue only lose one” said the coach as the teams resume the game. “Look like we’re on the roll so far!” said V-mon as he uses the ball as a shield as Shoutmon “Not for long! Fire Ball!” Shoutmon replies as he launch the ball with high speed at V-mon and makes a burst impact as V-mon went flying right out of his shorts and clash landing on the bleacher “HA! Not so tough now huh?” said Shoutmon as V-mon was out cold with his butt sticking up show everyone his Naruto undies as Impmon laughed “Nice undies dragon boy!” he says while throw the ball at Renamon but she dodge it “is that the best you got?” she says while pick up the ball and throw right at Impmon. Impmon dodge the ball as Biyomon take a chance and throw the ball at Renamon and hit her “Got ya!” said Biyomon as Impmon and Shoutmon double team and throw the dodgeballs at the fox digimon. Renamon was wobbling as her shorts fall to the ankles show her panties before she fall down as Guilmon takes her to the bleacher “take it easy Renamon, we got this” he says while heading back “Look like the table are turn” said Shoutmon “Yup! Now let finish these two off!” Impmon replies as he, Shoutmon and Biyomon throw dodgeballs at Gaomon and Guilmon. Guilmon dodges the ball when Gaomon caught Biyomon’s ball as Biyomon was shocked and was out “whoop! Sorry guys” she says while head to the bleachers as Gaomon can pick one of his teammates “Gabumon! We need you!” he says as Gabumon came back in since he was the only one that can still play while V-mon still unconscious and Renamon feel dizzy “we should even the odds!” said Gabumon as Shoutmon and Impmon trying to keep up with the attack. Guilmon grabs two dodgeballs and throw them up in the air as Impmon look up “Ha! What wrong pineapple head? Forgotten how to throw?” he says while reach his hand to catch the ball “No, but you’re an open target” Guilmon replies as Gabumon and Gaomon take their chance and throw the dodgeballs as Impmon couldn’t dodge it as he was strike by the dodge balls sending him flying out of his clothes before clashing into the bleachers.

Impmon out and unconscious with his butt sticking up showing his Barney undies to everyone “What! You’re Kidding Me! This is bad!” Shoutmon said as he was the only one left on team Red as Gaomon throw the ball at him “You’re cockiness will be your downfall!” said Gaomon as Shoutmon dodge it and quickly grab the ball from the floor “Look who talking pup! Fire Strike!” Shoutmon replies as he throw the ball with high speed as the ball was turning red like it was set on fire as Gaomon try his best to dodge it but got hit. The force of the strike send Gaomon rocketing to the bleachers “Ouch! That gonna hurt!” said Gabumon as Gaomon clash onto the bleachers while his shorts flies off of him showing his Paw Patrol undies “Ha! He’s all talk to talk and not doing the walk to walk” said Shoutmon as Gaomon was passed out as Guilmon and Gabumon knew they must finish this for the team “Now I’m going to an end to this game! Fire Fast Shot!” said Shoutmon as he shot another fast ball “afraid to say that you’re the one is finished! Ready Guilmon?” Gabumon replies as Guilmon nodded “Pyro Strike! Blue Buster!” Guilmon and Gabumon said as they launch their dodgeballs powerful enough that cancel out Shoutmon’s ball and land a finishing blow on Shoutmon completely. Shoutmon was wobbling while standing as Gabumon and Guilmon repeating pummelling him with dodgeballs about several times until they run out of dodgeballs as Shoutmon losing balances and has his tongue sticking “Game Over! Team Blue Wins the Game!” said Coach as Guilmon walk over to Shoutmon who was knocked out but still standing as Guilmon pantsed him revealing that Shoutmon was wearing light blue undies with pictures of fish on it “Gaomon was right with one thing, your cocky talking lead to you and your team’s downfall” he says while poke Shoutmon on the head making the dragon digimon fell onto the floor as Guilmon and Gabumon high-five for the victory. Soon Gaomon, V-mon, and Renamon regain consciousness and find that they won thanks as Renamon pull her shorts back up “AH! Come On! Not Again! Why this keep on happen to me?” said V-mon as he was blushing while covered his undies “This is just humility!” Gaomon replies as he was blushing and covering his undies as well “well at least we won the game” Gabumon replies as Biyomon came over “Congrats on the win!” she says as Gabumon shake her hand “you guys did well also” he replies “but next time we’ll win” Biyomon replies as she went back “Oh and cute undies you two” said Biyomon as Gaomon and V-mon was now embarrasses as their faces turning red “This is Embarrassing!” Gaomon and V-mon said as Guilmon give them the shorts “have you guys go” he says as Gaomon and V-mon take their shorts and put them back on.

“Congrats on the win! But more importantly having a great fun time on the first day” said the Coach as Impmon regain conscious and learn that they won and the bet as Shoutmon was still out as Guilmon hoist the dragon digimon over his shoulder “Aw man! This can’t be happen” said Impmon while still in his undies as V-mon got behind him “Oh it is!” he says while knock him out as Impmon lost consciousness as V-mon then hoists Impmon over his shoulder “Well that is all for today, see all you next time” said the Coach as everyone went to the changing room and quickly change back to their regular clothes except for Shoutmon and Impmon whom still out cold as Guilmon and V-mon lay them down on the floor as everyone else left. Guilmon sat Impmon up and removes the kid’s shirts as V-mon did the same with Shoutmon “Hey I found these here” said Guilmon “Yup these will do nicely” V-mon replies as they put the something on the unconscious digimon. Few minutes later, Shoutmon and Impmon wake up “Ahh! What happen…AHH!” said Shoutmon as he saw Impmon was wearing cheerleader outfit “Dude! What are you wearing?!” he yelled as Impmon then saw Shoutmon was wearing the same outfit “Look Who’s Talking!” he replies as Shoutmon look at himself “AHH!” he shrieked as Guilmon Stand Impmon p to his feet “this is your punishment for losing the bet” he says as V-mon did the same with Shoutmon “Oh Come on! We can talk this over, can we?” Impmon replies as he getting scared “Yeah there no need to make us do this” Shoutmon replies “Oh but a bet is a bet” V-mon replies as he grabs Shoutmon by the undies giving him a wedgie “which means no backing down out of this one” said Guilmon as he giving Impmon a wedgie as both Impmon and Shoutmon feel the pain of the wedgie “No Fair!” they said as V-mon punch Shoutmon as Guilmon punch Impmon making them in a loopy state before taking them out of the gym.

At the hallway, V-mon told Shoutmon and Impmon that they going to do a cheer for everyone as Guilmon gather everyone as Shoutmon and Impmon begins the cheer while still in a loopy state “GIVE US AN S, GIVE AN U GIVE AN C AND GIVE US AN K! PUT IT ALL TOGETHER AND YOU GET SUCK! YES SUCK SUCK WE’RE TOTALLY SUCK!” Impmon and Shoutmon shouted as everyone including Gabumon, Gaomon, Guilmon, V-mon, Biyomon, Gatmon, and Agumon laugh at their humility performance “WOW! They really suck!” said Gatomon “Yeah they do but it’s funny to watch” Biyomon replies as she took a picture of it “So you guys made a bet which they lost to and now they just got humiliated for it” said Agumon “Yup, they shouldn’t make bet like that” V-mon replies as Shoutmon and Impmon snapped out of the state and realizes what happen “AHH!” they shrieked “I glad that not me doing it” said Guilmon “Talking about having a bad day” Gaomon replies as Shoutmon and Impmon ran off from the crowds and to the changing room “Alright Show! Move it along!” said Guilmon and Agumon as everyone left “look like the next one lunch. So let head over” said Gatomon “Sure thing, I’m starving!” V-mon replies as they went to the cafeteria.
Third Chapter is finally out with a sporting event!

Who will win the game? You'll just find that out for yourself!
Mako Mankanshoku (Missed) [V1] Gay Perry Dodge Ichiko dodge momo Dodge  
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Wonald's avatar
owww So long waited and it was another sweet and sour end